Silver, the beautiful gray stallion born in 2004.
In 2008 Silver managed to take all of Curious George's band of mares except Stormy, her new colt, Rusty, and the yearling, Maggie, who wound up with Cocoa. Silver did not keep that band very long before Embers took them all from him. Then they were with Copper a short time later. Silver picked up Maddie later that spring and this time was able to add to his harem over the years. In 2017, he was seriously injured and lost all his harem to Copper and Brutus. We were hopeful he would still be alive, as the injury did not look life threatening and it is common for a lone injured horse to find a place of peace away from other horses while he heals. However on June 26th, his body was found. He had succumbed to injuries he acquired while defending his band. We were heartbroken to lose this beautiful silver stallion but are thankful that his legacy will continue on through his offspring. Run wild and free Silver! 💔 |