REMEMBERING singlefoot
"Old Blue Eyes"
Singlefoot was born in 1996. He apparently gained a band when he was just 4. By 2006 he had a good sized band but he had developed a cooperative band, we called The Double Band, with Redface. They both had several mares that they claimed, but who ran together. Satellite, Singlefoot's full brother, acted as a second in command. The Double Band was maintained over the years by all three studs until in 2012 Satellite finally took all of the mares from Singlefoot but Frosty. In 2014, Redface finally kicked the old boy out and Singlefoot remained a bachelor until 2017. In 2016, he injured himself in a fight with Mystery and in 2017, the park humanly euthanized him, to ease his suffering. In all he held a band from 2000-2014 and is the oldest living stallion to date. We love this tribute written in 2015 by Amber: "I have roamed wild and free for 19 years in Theodore Roosevelt National Park. I have braved the harsh winters and warm summers. I have battled and won and I have battled and lost! I am now old and wise and while I'm no longer a band stallion I still graze the badlands. I am a symbol of strength, bravery, loyalty and love. I am Singlefoot!!" We just know that Singlefoot is leading the eternal band and we can't wait to see him again someday.💔 |