It breaks our heart to have to share with you that mare Cheyenne has been found deceased. 😭 Ch One of the few solid colored horses born in the park that had no white markings, Cheyenne was a 2006 daughter of the famous overo stallion, Curious George, and a mare called Big Red. When Curious George lost his entire band in 2008, the mares and their offspring were bounced around from one stallion to another, but Cheyenne was separated from the rest of her natal band and wound up with Coal, who sired her first foal, Auney. Auney was sold in 2009 and Cheyenne found her way to Mystery’s band where she stayed nearly the for the rest of her life. She produced four beautiful foals for him that were sold and have wonderful homes. She leaves Sumac still in the park but has sadly lost four other Mystery foals for unknown reasons. In the first week of August, NDBH field techs noticed that Cheyenne was no longer with her band. We quickly worked our way through all the bands, until one by one, each band was checked and sadly there was no Cheyenne. While we held out hope, many years of experience told us that it would be in vain. Cheyenne appeared to be completely healthy when she disappeared. On Sunday, September 6th, riders led by Marylu were able to find Cheyenne's body. Looking at the teeth and hair, we were able to determine it was 100% her. She was found intact but sadly, we are not able to determine why she died. There are several educated guesses after years of working with this herd that we can put forth; lightening, colic, stress, internal injuries. After looking for her for a month, this sad discovery can give us a little peace and closure. We are comforted to think that she now runs in the heavenly herd with her bandmate, Ginger, and her long time love, Stallion Mystery. Run free Cheyenne 💔 |